The Rev. Michael Bausch, D. Min., teaches the use of the arts and multimedia in worship and learning settings based on many years of parish ministry experience in the United Church of Christ and teaching at undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels.
My teaching experience includes offering summer courses in the subject for several years at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, and in a number of other mainline seminaries including the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, the Vancouver School of Theology, United Theological Seminary, Luther Seminary, and Garret-Northwestern Theological Seminary.
Over these many years I have been a keynote speaker at a large number of UCC and Presbyterian denominational events.
My online teaching experience includes developing and teaching courses at undergraduate and graduate levels, including summer online courses for the Pacific School of Religion. I served as an adjunct faculty member teaching in the Philosophy Department at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville for eight year, teaching two courses in biblical studies, the Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures, and Introduction to the New Testament. I made extensive use of art, film, and music in both of these courses.
The Alban Institute published my Silver Screen, Sacred Story: Using Multimedia in Worship in 2002 and in January of 2015 (Updated 2022) Fred Noer/Image Source published my Feeding Imaginations: Worship That Engages, now available through Amazon.com. Also available at Amazon is my latest book Drawn In: Dramatic Encounters With Art.
Over these many years I have been a keynote speaker at a large number of UCC and Presbyterian denominational events.
My online teaching experience includes developing and teaching courses at undergraduate and graduate levels, including summer online courses for the Pacific School of Religion. I served as an adjunct faculty member teaching in the Philosophy Department at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville for eight year, teaching two courses in biblical studies, the Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures, and Introduction to the New Testament. I made extensive use of art, film, and music in both of these courses.
The Alban Institute published my Silver Screen, Sacred Story: Using Multimedia in Worship in 2002 and in January of 2015 (Updated 2022) Fred Noer/Image Source published my Feeding Imaginations: Worship That Engages, now available through Amazon.com. Also available at Amazon is my latest book Drawn In: Dramatic Encounters With Art.